We are bags factory from China From internet we know you are marketing bags. Knowing that there are many manufacturers might call you for business.
We are a bags factory, specializing in soft, non-structured, coolers, tote bags, sports bags, school bags, duffel bags, backpacks, briefcases, picnic bags etc.
We made bags for some North American co***nies via some exporting Agencies before.
Currently we are setting the ways of exporting ourselves. We believe this will benefit you and our factory a lot.
We pride ourselves in fast turn around time, high quality, best customer service, and, in the event of problem, damage control. What we are offering to our customers are:
1. Best price: Can beat down any of your competitors as we are the fabric manufacturer ourselves as well, we can get the fabric/material in best price, especial for big or regular re-orders for Inventory.
2. Any Enquiry will be quoted within 24 hours.
3. Sample-in 3-5 days, we got 10 senior designers and workers (2 designers come from United Kingdom) in sampling workshop for developing department. Delivery 25-30 days (for some rush order can finish in 20 days)
4. We are approved by ISO9001 Quality System Certification. We always strictly control our products quality with SGS standard.